wimmhtw* 6.18

1. It's summer. And by that I mean it's freakishly hot and I never want to go outside again. But today is different. Today the temperature was moderate, the sky was perfectly blue, and the soft breeze was cool. It was incredibly lovely, and I wish it would stay like this until September. However, I know that it won't. It's supposed to be back up to the 90s this week, and I'm sure that will from there it will just get hotter and more humid. But for today, it was perfect. And I was grateful. 

2. I'm closing in on one year with my book blog, and the things that I've gotten to learn along the way, the books I've gotten to read and share, these are incredible blessings in my life. I am so grateful, and I look forward to another amazing year of books new and old and book friends new and old. 

3. 3 words that always make me happy: Chicken. Pot. Pie. Homemade, of course. Thank you Joanne Cheng and your beautiful cookbook, Flour Too, for the best chicken pot pie recipe, hands down. Because chicken pot pie. 


*what is making me happy this week

wimmhtw* 6.25

wimmhtw* 6.11