snapshot 12.6

just finished: What a difficult week at work! Our printer had to move a bunch of deadlines up on us, so I didn’t get much done last week. But this weekend, I did take the time to get some reading in. Mostly I read The Last Resort, a thriller about a group of people who are thrown together on an island. They were invited for a luxury vacation, but it turns out to be something completely different. It’s crazy!

currently reading: I have just started The Beast and The Bethany, which comes out Tuesday. And I can already tell I’m going to love it. It’s a charming middle grade book with lots of clever humor, as far as I can tell about 5% in. I’m also listening to Agatha Arch is Afraid of Everything, which is a story about a woman who finds her husband with the neighborhood dogwalker together in their shed, despite the fact that they have no dog. She’s a writer trying to channel Bear Grylls to get herself past her fears, but her struggle is real. It’s a little bonkers, and I can’t wait to find out what happens.

up next: The next Moose Springs book comes out in January, and I am looking forward to that one! These are by Sarah Morgenthaler, and I am having a ball reading this series! The first one was The Tourist Attraction. The second one was Mistletoe and Mr. Right, and the third one, Enjoy the View, is out mid-January. These books are mini-vacations for me, with great characters in a charming town, and I don’t even have to leave home. I recommend them all. You don’t have to read them in order—they are all stand-alones, but if you haven’t read any of them yet, I wouldn’t start with the third one. I’d start now.

And for when you do read The Tourist Attraction, or if you’ve already read it, this is the Ulysses toy I won in a contest from the publisher. #TeamUlysses


a tale of a fateful trip

time = a kid's advantage in investing