moose love

Graham Barnett runs The Tourist Trap. A favorite dive of the locals in Moose Springs, Alaska, the Trap is where they all go for burgers, reindeer dogs, and a cold beer. Despite Graham’s attempts to keep the tourists out (he doesn’t even have a sign out front), the Tourist Trap is one of the hottest places in town for locals and for anyone else with an internet connection and the ability to search for good food options. He does everything he can to disappoint his customers. He makes them clean up. He doesn’t keep regular hours, He insults them as much as possible. But they just keep coming back, lining up outside the restaurant even. Graham just can’t catch a break.

And then Zoey walked in.

She was with Lana, who Graham had known for years. Lana was a regular at the expensive resort up the road and she had found and fallen in love with the Tourist Trap, despite it being a dive where tourists were unwelcome. Lana came in the door with her designer clothes and thousand-dollar bags, and Graham just rolled his eyes at her. But then she brought Zoey with her. And Graham went down for the count.

Graham fell hard for Zoey. Like how Ulysses, the town moose, had fallen for Graham’s truck. Rubbing up against her, leaving his mark, knocking off the passenger side mirror. That moose really loves that truck. Graham hasn’t done that kind of damage to Zoey, but he has. strict no-tourist policy on his heart, and now that’s just as dented as his truck.

After she gets crazy drunk on his famous Grizzly Bear and Lana disappears, it’s up to Graham to take Zoey back to her room at the resort he never visits. Then, when she needs someone to join her on the whale watching tour that is truly cringe-worthy to the locals, he jumps on board and deals with the corniness of the bus ride to the boat, the seasickness, the tackiness, and falls more in love with how much Zoey comes alive when she gets to experience the wildlife of his native Alaska.

Zoey, meanwhile, has saved up her meager tip money from her waitressing job at the diner outside Chicago, and she’s not about to be distracted from a single moment of her dream vacation, not even by a smart, funny, charming guy who she may have mistaken at one point for a chainsaw killer. She’s not going to be distracted by his kindness, or his self-deprecating humor, or his strong arms, or even his ability to acquire her a cinnamon roll the size of her head. Nope, not one bit. Definitely. Absolutely. Maybe. Although she is on vacation. Would it hurt to maybe try just one kiss?

While Zoey’s vacation isn’t always going the way she expected, it’s definitely filled with adventures, laughter, and even some fireworks. But even if Zoey and Graham find a way through all the distractions and detours that are trying to keep them apart, what happens when the vacation is over?

These two weeks in Alaska, and these two adorable characters, make The Tourist Attraction a must read for all romantic comedy fans. Author Sarah Morgenthaler infuses her own love of nature, specifically Alaskan nature, into this adorable story of travel, adventure, friendship, romance, and the love of a good dog.

Personally, I have never been to Alaska, and I can’t tell you the last time I had a vacation, but I can tell you that this novel helped make up for all of that. It’s an adorable story with characters you want to spend time with in a place filled with magic. It’s the perfect vacation for when I’m stuck in the breakroom at work instead of taking a ride on a whale-watching boat. If you are a rom com nerd like me, don’t let this one pass you by!

Galleys for The Tourist Attraction were provided by Sourcebooks Casablanca through NetGalley, with many thanks.


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