be present in the present

I’m sure that you have nothing to be anxious about these days, but I do. Actually, I can find things to be anxious about pretty easily. The weather? Sure, I live in a place with tornadoes. Money? Of course, because I have too much debt and not enough in savings. The state of the world? Obviously! Are they going to cancel my favorite tv show? Maybe—I have no control over that. There is so much for me to anxious about. But there are also things I can do about it.

Mindfulness for Beginners offers up the tenets of mindfulness—basically, being present in the moment instead of burying yourself in the fears that haunt your mind—as well as simple exercises and techniques that can help you start on your journey. And the benefits of mindfulness range from reducing stress to sharpening memory, from boosting the immune system to helping you take control of your life.

After starting with ten steps to practicing mindfulness, author Luc Grand offers up some starter meditations, both for sitting still and for adding in some simple movements. There is a body scan meditation, to help you reconnect with your body, and a yoga meditation, so you can stretch your body as you stretch your mind. The steps are straightforward and easy to follow for each meditation, so even a beginner can try them out.

There are ways to make mindfulness part of your everyday life, from the time you get up in the morning to going to bed at night. And the more you add in to your daily routine, the more benefits you can expect. Eating, showering, cleaning, traveling, emailing, even looking at social media can be done mindfully and you can feel more centered and at peace throughout your day.

Mindfulness for Beginners is a great introduction to the concept of mindfulness and to several manageable ways to make room for mindfulness in your life. It’s nice and short, and lets you skip around as you need to, so you can get the most out of the chapters that mean the most to you. Makes a great gift for your fearful friends or family or to your own anxious self!

A copy of Mindfulness for Beginners was provided by the author, with many thanks.


the game is afoot

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