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just finished: Wendy Walker’s Don’t Look for Me. Such a chilling book! I was reluctant to keep reading, but I also couldn’t put it down. A mother goes missing, held in a house in a small town. Her daughter is determined to find her mother, but who in the town can she trust when apparently everyone, even her own father, is lying to her? This one is not for the feint of heart!

currently reading: Another Christmas rom com, Mistletoe and Mr. Right. It’s set in Moose Springs, Alaska, with the same characters as The Tourist Attraction and just as charming. There is a Santa Moose that shows up around the town every Christmas and destroys the decorations, and it’s up to Lana Montgomery to chase him down. Why is that Lana’s job? Because most everyone in town hates her and her plans to put up luxury condos, so she thinks that catching the Santa Moose and stopping his holiday-hating antics will put her in their good graces. Will it work? I don’t know yet, but I look forward to finding out! I also just started Lisa Jewell’s newest thriller, out this coming Tuesday. Invisible Girl is the story of a teenaged girl gone missing, the creepy neighborhood incel, and the psychologist and his family who is connected to both. It’s another one that’s hard to read because of the crime, but the storytelling is so beautiful, I have to keep turning the pages. I’m only about 20% in, but I know I’ll be recommending this one!

up next: there are some great cookbooks coming out soon, and I’ll be spending some time with Ottolenghi’s Flavor (out this Tuesday), some pie cookbooks, The Flavor Equation, and Dessert Person, which I just got (very excited!). And most fun of all? Kim-Joy’s latest, Christmas with Kim-Joy: A Festive Collection of Edible Goodness! If that subtitle doesn’t sum up everything you need to know about Kim-Joy, then you need to go back and rewatch all the Great British Bake-Off episodes you can find, Kim-Joy’s season as well as all the others! Seriously, right now. Go!


the prison of guilt

teach kids to cook