snapshot 9.23 — words

snapshot 9.23

Recently finished: Wilde Lake by Laura Lippman, a modern retelling of To Kill a Mockingbird. It was my first of her novels, but it won't be my last. Girl Number One, which I loved! Watch for that one--it's available in the States next week. And some graphic novels, which I enjoyed enormously and will be writing about next week. 

Currently reading: Steve Martin's Born Standing Up on audio. Martin Short's I Must Say. Still listening to Louise Penny and slowly making my way through Homicide and Medium Raw. I got hung up in Adnan's Story--the sense of loss got to me and I needed a break. Curious Minds by Janet Evanovich and Phoef Sutton for some lighthearted fun. 

Up next: Jonas Karlsson's The Invoice, which I am so excited about. Amy Schumer's memoir. Lianne Moriarty's latest, Truly Madly Guilty. I still haven't prepared for October movies (The Girl on the Train on audio and Dan Brown's The Inferno, and I found out today that The Great Gilly Hopkins is coming out in movie form next month--I haven't read that one since I was a kid.) Oh, and cookbooks. I have such good cookbooks to be reading. More about those in the future. 

how much is happiness worth?

how much is happiness worth?

when darkness matters

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