give stress a break — words

give stress a break

We all have stressful moments from time to time. Whether it’s a screaming kid or a meeting from hell, or even a global pandemic, we all experience the unpleasant side effects of too much stress sometimes and need to take a minute to catch our breath. But why take a minute when you can take 5?

Take 5 minutes and read for pleasure, laugh, or scroll through your favorite photos to quiet your mind. Do a word puzzle, color a mandala, or make a gratitude list to help you write it out. Calm your body with a progressive muscle relaxation, having a cup of tea, or breathing with awareness.

Work it out with a brisk walk, a quick yoga pose, or acupressure. When you’re home, snuggle with your pet, fold the laundry, or take a dance break. Or you can try any of the other 50 suggestions for some quick stress relief in 5-Minute Stress Relief.

These clever ideas are together in a tiny book that’s easy to throw into your bag to carry with you or to share with those you care about. Gathered by Elena Welsh, Ph.D., a licensed clinical psychologist from L.A. (and you can imagine how many of these ideas she herself used in that traffic!), this wealth of stress-reducing tips can help you center yourself in any challenging moment.

And when you find yourself facing something that really gets your heart rate up, Dr. Welsh has put together combinations of relievers to help you through One of Those Mornings, a Fight with a Friend, a Stressed-Out Boss, a Difficult Decision, or even (gulp) Wedding Planning. And if you get to the end and find you still crave more relief, she includes a wealth of resources, like apps, books, and podcasts where you can learn more and societies where you can turn for extra support.

5-Minute Stress Relief is a much needed resource during a difficult time, and I highly recommend this for anyone wanting some ideas on how to get through stressful days of too much work, too many kids around the house, and an unknown future. In days like these, we can all use all the help we can get.

A copy of 5-Minute Stress Relief was provided by Rockridge Press through the Callisto Media Publisher’s Club, with many thanks.


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