librarians b dangerous — words

librarians b dangerous

Appleton Elementary is in for a treat. With new librarian Rita B. Danjerous on the job, the tiny school will once again have a library. And her daughter May joining the fifth grade class means that the school’s minimum requirement of 20 students will be met, so the Department of Education won’t shut them down. Principal Noah Memree is ready for the school year to move forward without any issues.

But as Rita encourages the students to read more and to investigate the nature of things happening at the school, Principal Memree finds himself mired in drama. For instance, why did the students have to start wearing uniforms this year, and why can they only purchase them from one store? And parents are wondering why the librarian has a special collection of “green dot” books that students can borrow without using their school library card.

What exactly is going on at Appleton Elementary School, and who is willing to put in the work to find out? You’ll have to read for yourself, in Kate Klise’s new Don’t Check Out This Book! With illustrations from M. Sarah Klise, this charming middle grade novel is a funny, punderful reminder of the power of reading to awaken ideas, the power of the truth to upend the lies, and the power of good people coming together to defeat the selfish. Told through a combination of letters, newspaper articles, and transcripts, this charming book is a tribute to librarians and all the readers they’ve helped through the years.

Despite the title, I highly recommend you check out Don’t Check Out This Book! for all the children, child-like, and childish readers you know.

Galleys for Don’t Check Out This Book were provided by Algonquin Young Readers through Edelweiss, with many thanks.

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