snapshot 3.10 — words

snapshot 3.10

Sorry for the absence. If you want more info, check out my other blog, where I explain where I’ve been and why I’ve been away. But back to the books . . .

recently finished: Forget You Know Me. The Au Pair. Eric Idle’s Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. I have a lot of writing to do.

currently reading: I just started The Killer in Me by Olivia Kiernan. It’s her follow-up to Too Close to Breathe, which I haven’t read but now I have to. This is about a twisted serial killer stalking a small town not too far from Dublin. It’s beautifully written, and I can’t wait to see how all the pieces come together!

up next: Maybe not next exactly, but soon, and I am so excited about this one—On the Bright Side by Hendrik Groen. It’s the follow-up to The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, and I can’t wait to dive in. I loved reading about the adventures of Hendrik (aged 83 1/4 in his first book) and his friends, and I so ready to find out what he’s up to at 85! This is a fantastic, heart-warming series, and I hope that there are many, many more to come!

when childhood heroes grow up

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