snapshot 11.3 — words

snapshot 11.3

recently finished: The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell. Wow! This book is crazy! Suspense! Missing people! A cult! Everything about this story is bananas! And really, really good. Thriller readers will want to keep this one in mind, for sure! I also just finished listening to Kate Winslet’s reading of Matilda, and it was fabulous! One of Roald Dahl’s masterpieces, read to perfection. Loved it!

currently reading: Calm the F*ck Down Journal, from the amazing Sarah Knight, who also brought us Get Your Sh*t Together, You Do You, and The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck. Also, I just learned that if you type 2 asterisks into copy, they will automatically turn everything between them bold, at least in this program. I have to say, I’m not a fan of that. But I know how to stay calm in such moments, thanks to the wisdom of Sarah Knight.

up next: Saul Black’s Anything for You, another thriller, and Bird Brains, a book about mental health starring illustrations of pigeons.

nuclear family

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