this book has some issues — words

this book has some issues

The children’s book Chapter Two Is Missing has some problems. First of all, and I hope that this is not a spoiler for you, but the second chapter has gone missing. Punctuation is in the wrong place. There are M’s all over the floor. And one chapter seems to be from a different book. But don’t worry. Detective McGarrigan is on the case. And with the help of you as the reader, Milo the janitor, and a hapless narrator, we might be able to crack the case after all.

It won’t be easy. Things keep moving, and those who are calling and emailing in to the detective are just spouting crazy conspiracy theories, like that chapter two is at the end of the book, and that it’s backwards! How would that even be possible?

But with some time to think, and some time to breathe, the answer will make itself known and the villain is unmasked in this adorably funny early chapter book.

Author Josh Lieb and illustrator Kevin Cornell have crafted an adorably hilarious children’s book with a compelling mystery and captivating characters. It’s only 48 pages long, but those pages are packed with clever puns and thoughtful wordplay. The book is described as being for ages 4-6, but I think the humor will appeal to those of all ages (I mean, it’s been a very long time since I was 6, and I laughed out loud at places).

Chapter Two Is Missing is a genuinely funny book for kids of all ages, and it’s definitely one to keep in mind for birthday and holiday presents. And you know, kids might like it too!

Galleys for Chapter Two Is Missing were provided by Razorbill through Edelweiss, with many thanks.

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just janetti

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