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wimmhtw* 4.28

1. And just like that, it’s almost May. Where did the time go? The good thing is that I feel like I’m finally able to slow back down a little. There was a lot happening early this year, and I feel like I’m finding a new rhythm. I still have a lot of stuff to deal with (like, actual stuff, piles of books and papers and whatnot), but that’s for another month. I am just happy to feel like I have a bit of my routine back. I’ve been needing the restfulness that the routine offers me.

2. We had one of those Saturdays where we didn’t really have to do anything. I spend the day laying on the sofa, reading and playing games. There was a lot of NFL drafting going on through the afternoon, but I got to start off my day with soccer and ended it with soccer, so I was happy. Plus I got some good kitten snugs and leftover chicken pot pie. Sounds like a pretty perfect day to me.

3. We got a new refrigerator not that long ago, and I am super happy to have a freezer I can rely. We bought pork chops that we decide not to cook? Them in the freezer. Our favorite rolls are only available on holidays. buy extras at Easter and freeze some. And maybe most important, ice cream and ice cream treats! I love grabbing a quick ice cream treat after dinner. It feels decadent and is so easy and delicious. It’s all about the ice cream, right?

*what is making me happy this week