snapshot 6.23

snapshot 6.23

just finished: Last week was a rough one at work, so I didn’t have the brain to write on Friday night, but I have finished reading the YA romance The Calculation of You and Me. It’s by Serena Kaylor, who wrote Long Story Short, which I loved. And this one is lots of fun too. After a breakup, an autistic high schooler tries to figure out what had gone wrong. She takes on an intense study of love by reading romance books, and ends up finding the answer she was looking for.

currently reading: I am deep into Summer Fridays, about Sawyer, a woman who works in publishing and Nick, a man who works in advertising. They met at a dinner thrown by their partners’ law firm, and he hints at the dinner that he thinks that their significant others are having an affair. But through early dial-up AOL chats and emails, they become friendly, and because of where they work in New York City, they get Friday afternoons off in the summer. So they spend more time together around the city, while their partners spend more time together working on a big case. But what will happen when the summer is over? (Spoiler: I don’t know yet.) But this is a fun movie with strong You’ve Got Mail feels. This is a fantastic summer read, and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

I’m also listening to Love Hack, a fun rom com about a woman whose job as a tech writer for a women’s magazine is eliminated when the print edition is discontinued and the women’s and men’s magazines are combined into one online. She has to come up with a winning idea for a new column for the online version, or she is out of a job. with her sister, she comes up with the idea of an advice column for men, and it’s a hit. But when it turns out that she’s falling for one of her coworkers, she’s at a loss to know what advice to give herself. It’s a light-hearted, sweet rom com set in London, and I am having a lot of fun listening to it. Perfect for an afternoon at the pool.

up next: There are still a lot of great summer books coming out next month, so keep checking in with your favorite indie bookstore. But I want to look ahead a little, and say that thanks to all those Christmas movies flooding our television sets every year, there are a lot of Christmas rom com novels coming. And just last week I got approved for an early copy of . . . All the Jungle Ladies. I love that title, and I can’t wait to read the story and see what it’s all about.

learning about happily ever after

learning about happily ever after

the persistence of amnesia

the persistence of amnesia