snapshot 1.8

Gah, I keep falling short of my 5 reviews a week goal. But last week, the double sinus infection on top of the bronchitis brought me down. I took a couple of days off work and just laid around. I did a little reading, and a little of nothing, and I’m hoping it was enough to put me on the path to healing. So, no promises on how many books I’ll talk about this week, but I am hopeful.

just finished: I read a couple of shorter pieces, Snowflakes by Ruth Ware and Jenn McKinlay’s Royal Valentine. I also found an awesome ebook deal of an old favorite, Adrian Mole: The Wilderness Years. I tore through that this weekend. And somewhere in there, I realized that a new year came and I hadn’t read any Bridget Jones. I decided I was okay with that this year. And then I wasn’t and downloaded the original diary onto my phone app again. And while I have a ton of new books just waiting for me, I’ll probably have to read the next one also. And maybe a book or two by Louise Rennison, because I feel like her Georgia Nicholson is a teenaged Bridget Jones, and I love to hang out with her too.

currently reading: besides my re-reading of Bridge, I’m still reading A Murderous Persuasion. And I’ve started Mary Kubica’s Just the Nicest Couple, which starts out so creepy. Loving it! And I have started reading Julia Cameron’s latest, Write for Life, which comes out Tuesday. She is just so inspiring. Last year’s Seeking Wisdom was so beautiful! But this one is all about the writing. I’m sure all artists can learn from it, but she is specifically calling out people who want to write more and giving them (I say “them,” I mean “us”) tools to help. And inspiration. Her writing is warm and inviting while also being a call to action. I can’t wait to spend more time with her talking about writing!

up next: Coming out January 17 is A Guide to Being Just Friends, the latest by Sophie Sullivan (Ten Rules for Faking It and How to Love Your Neighbor), so you know that will be lots of fun. And there is a debut novel coming out that I knew I wanted to read as soon as I read the title. I am a Gen-Xer, and if I had a quarter for every time someone had told me this while I was growing up, well, I would have played even more Ms. Pac-Man. You Should Smile More is an office comedy, and I cannot wait to read this one! Watch for it January 17. And I got myself this beautiful hardcover as a holiday gift, so now I can read along with the audio book. And as a bonus—it has photos!

beaus and arrows

inevitable and unpredictable