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just finished: The Setup by Lizzy Dent. She brought us last year’s The Summer Job, which I loved. The Setup is about a woman who depends too much on her horoscope to help make decisions for her. And when she finds herself on holiday in Budapest and fate dropped the perfect guy in her way. All she has to do is fix something, according to her fortune teller, and then she’d be ready for that guy to show back up. This is a fantastic, fun read, and perfect for summer reading!

currently reading: I am working on a couple of the books coming out this week. Privacy by Nina Sadowsky is about a therapist whose patients are targeted and bullied, and she has to figure out who is doing it and why before someone loses their sanity, or worse, their life. It’s lovely and readable, and perfect for a hot summer night. I’ve also started reading Flying Solo by Linda Holmes. Although she’s probably best known for her work on NPR’s Pop Culture Happy Hour, she wrote last year’s wonderful Evvie Drake Starts Over. I’m still reading The Favor, which has taken a turn for the cuh-ray-zee! So I need to get back to it and find out what happens next.

up next: Things have been so crazy lately that I haven’t yet had a chance to dive into Tracy Flick Can’t Win, so that’s the next one on my list. And later this summer, it will be Mika in Real Life, thanks to William Morrow. Mika is a mess at 35, but when her adopted daughter contacts her and wants to build a relationship, Mika invents a life that makes her seem like she’s got it all together. It looks like lots of fun and heart-warming besides. Look for it in August!

the future is you

a classic gothic novel