snapshot 10.2

So if you’re paying attention here, you could see that I only got one review done last week. It was a rough week, to say the least. I tried to write more, but I had no words. But work stress should be getting back under control for a bit, so I can get back to the real work of reading books and talking about why I like them. Or didn’t. But usually I do.

currently reading: I’m still listening to Uncultured. This woman’s story is crazy, but now she’s out of the cult and going to high school in Texas, so that’s good. I look forward to reading more about her recovery and healing from those early years.

I’m also listening to a thriller, Convince Me by Nina Sadowsky, who wrote this year’s Privacy. Convince Me is about a man named Justin. We meet him after he dies in a car crash, hearing all about him from his wife, his mother, and his best friend and business partner Will. As we hear the stories about Justin, how he met his wife, how he met Justin, how they established their business, at first he sounds too good to be true. But the more we learn about him, the less things add up quite how they should. I can’t wait to see how this one comes together. I have some ideas of the reveals that may be coming up, so I am looking forward to finding out if I’m right.

This weekend, I also started reading a book that is out this Tuesday, The Christmas Clash (be warned—there are a lot of Christmas books coming. The popularity of those Hallmark movies has made this a trend this year in the books as well.) This one is by Suanne Park, who wrote (among other things) The Perfect Escape, which I thought was adorable. In this one, two high school students both help at their families’ restaurants in the local mall, their parents both hating the other family, but when news comes out that the owner of the mall is planning on closing it down and sell it to someone wanting to build condos, they have no choice but to work together to save the mall and their family restaurants. And if there is a little flirting along with all that, that’s okay too. I am enjoying The Christmas Clash so much. These characters are smart and funny and real, and this book works well on every level. Watch for it out this week.

up next: I have no idea. I’m so far behind from the last couple of months, I have an embarrassment of riches. For now, I’m just going to put my head down and read all I can.

I got no new bookmail this week, so I’m going with the cat picture. Because it’s hard to go wrong with this much cuteness.

putting the con in convince

gentle guidance, gratitude, and the gift of grace