snapshot 1.23

just finished: Super Potato and the Soaring Terror of the Pterosaur. I do love these Super Potato graphic novels, and this one did crack me up. Although it’s heavy on the story continuing in the next book, and my short attention span doesn’t really appreciate that . . .

currently reading: I’m deep into Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner and just trying to get stuff done so I can get back to it. Helen is a young pregnant woman, and her husband is overworked and is having trouble getting excited about the baby coming. Her best friend is married to her brother, and they’re expecting a baby too. But they’re using this time to bond as a couple, and Helen is feeling left out and alone. So when a single mother from her birthing class befriends her, Helen goes along. But there is something off about her new friend Rachel, and as she tries to get closer to Helen, Helen finds herself feeling vulnerable to this woman but lonely enough to let her get close anyway. It’s chilling, and I can’t wait to read more! I’m also reading Vivien Chien’s latest cozy, Hot and Sour Suspects. I love these Noodle Shop mysteries, and when Lana offers up the family’s Chinese restaurant for a speed dating event, you know someone is going to end up murdered, and Lana will be the one to unravel the mystery with her signature grit and smarts. I’m also about halfway through Bridget Jones: Mad about the Boy (I made it past the Major Character dying!), and it’s all about Bridget’s sexy newly single life with nits, reading glasses, social media, a screenplay rewrite from hell, her toy boy, and of course, Daniel Cleaver.

up next: This week I scored an early copy of Brad Meltzer’s The Lightning Rod, the second book in the Zig Nola book that started with The Escape Artist. I am super excited about that one (watch for it March 8). And I’ve actually started reading this one. It’s a lot of fun, and will make a great gift book for anyone that you know who likes drinking, eating salads, and/or laughing. Watch it for late in February!

speed dating, secrets, and shrimp lo mein

just can't smile without you