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just finished: well, seeing as how it’s New Year’s Weekend, it probably won’t come as a surprise that I have once again been reading Bridget Jones’s Diary and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. I have moved on to Bridget Jones’s Baby, and then it will be Mad About the Boy. Last year, I went through to the point where a major character died, and then I just couldn’t bring myself to go on. Maybe this year I’ll stop again, but I think this time I’ll make it through.

currently reading: it’s January of a new year, and those new books are coming our way! I have started reading When You Get the Chance by Emma Lord (Tweet Cute, You Have a Match), which starts out at a 10. It is so much fun! A theater kid, Millie Price, tries to figure out who her mom is, in a sort of reverse Momma Mia story. Millie has a big personality, and I find I’m already walling for her and rooting for her to run with this story. Also out on Tuesday that I’ve got the jump on is The Perfect Escape. A girls’ weekend for three friends who find themselves unexpectedly single again get away for a few days to relax, hang out in a hot tub, and drink wine. But things don’t got according to plan, of course. And there are so many more good books coming this week! I can’t wait to find more time to read!

up next: Out next week is a new Julia Cameron book. I was in my 20s when her The Artist’s Way was recommended to me, and I’ve been a fan of hers ever since. Her new book is Seeking Wisdom, and I can’t wait to dive in! Also, a rom com called Bad Luck Bridesmaid, which sounds super fun! And the new Claire Douglas, which I won in a Goodreads giveaway.

oh baby baby

in-law or outlaw?