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just finished: Several People Are Typing. It’s a novel about the dynamics in the workspace, especially when working from home. I don’t want to give too much away yet, but it’s out on Tuesday, and it’s definitely worth your time to push this one to the top of your TBR.

currently reading: Say It Out Loud, a middle grade novel about a girl who stutters and wants to find the courage to stand up the bullies on her bus. As a mere sixth grader, she doesn’t have a lot of clout, but if she can figure out how to use her voice, she may be able to survive and thrive in middle school. I’m only about a third of the way in so far, but it’s charming so far.

up next: A lot of cookbooks (it’s time to plan for Christmas presents!). And these, which showed up late last week in a surprise box from Penguin Random House. I love bookmail!


broken things can be fixed

lying with statistics