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The hens of Chickentown are disappearing, and no one knows what’s happening. Normally, Chickentown is a peaceful place. People and hens live side by side, each enjoying comfy beds and good food and their own televisions. And now, the Golden Feather competition is coming up. All the hens are excited and doing what they can to prepare themselves.

But then, one night, Scarlett goes missing.

And the next night, Gwendolyn goes missing. And there are markings on the chair, like from claws.

And the next night, Rufina goes missing. And there is red fur at the scene of the crime.

What could be happening to the chickens of Chickentown?

The resident witch Miss Henrietta decides to get to the bottom of the mystery. She feeds her hen Lucinda a magic star, so she will stay bright. So when she goes missing, Miss Henrietta can follow the trail and find her again. But what will she find at the end of the trail? Will the star stay bright enough to help her solve the mystery in Chickentown and save the Golden Feather contest?

Author and illustrator Albert Arrayas brings this sweet story to life through his colorful, whimsical illustrations and his endearing story. The Chickentown Mystery is a picture book that will entertain children and parents alike with the delightful art.

I really enjoyed The Chickentown Mystery. It’s fun to read, and I loved the artwork. The mystery is interesting, and the chickens are full of personality. This would be a great addition to a personal bookshefl or to a school or public library.

Egalleys for The Chickentown Mystery were provided by CrackBoom! Books through Netgalley, with many thanks.


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