
Architect-turned-cartoonist Gemma Gené brings to life her relationship with her pug Mochi in this endearing collection of illustrations that is Living With Mochi. Mochi is an omnivorous, adorable, scene-stealing star, and his parents know this about him and clearly love to celebrate it, except maybe when he steals half of the bed at night, along with a pillow and half the duvet.

Gené shares her stories of love and family, food and sleep, with whimsical illustrations that show the cute pug at his best and and at his worst. There are good days for Mochi—when he gets to eat ice cream, when he gets to snuggle with his Mami, when he gets to play with his dog friend Ben at the park. And there are the bad days for Mochi—when it’s raining, when he has to spend time alone, when he has to go to the vet (although to be fair, it doesn’t seem like that’s a great day for the vet either).

Even though Gené had been dreaming for years of a black pug, she took one look at Mochi and knew that he was the one. Mochi knew it too. And then he threw up on her. (He vomits easily, especially when there is a change in his environment.)

Living With Mochi is a realistic portrayal of life with a beloved pet. There are boundary issues, they beg you for food (their own as well as yours), they sit on your lap as well as your laptop, they sleep on your feet or your head or your face. (I may know a little about this type of relationship. He’s an orange cat with all the cuteness, but the way he rules our household is very much like how Mochi rules his.) But isn’t that what pet ownership is all about? The love that warms your heart and heals you from the pain and indignities of life?

Living With Mochi is a celebration of the love we share with our pets and the light they bring to our lives. This charming book is a perfect gift for pug lovers especially, but all pet lovers can relate to these stories. And Mochi really is cute. He will steal your heart, just like he did Gené’s.

Egalleys for Living With Mochi were provided by Andrews McMeel Publishing through NetGalley, with many thanks.


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drowning in secrets