snapshot 4.18

just finished: I finished Possession by Katie Lowe. She wrote The Furies, which I really liked, and Possession was even more stunning. A woman wakes up to find her husband stabbed in the neck. After the police investigation, the crime was called a burglary gone wrong and a man was convicted and put in jail. Now it’s ten years later. The woman is working for the NHS as a psychologist working with teens. Her daughter is a teenager. And there is a new man. And there is a podcast. A popular podcast, Convicted, riding high on getting an innocent man released is now taking another look at the death of her husband. And the podcaster stirs up all sorts of things previously kept secret. It’s so good! I also read Jillian, about two unhappy women and their work and home lives. It’s bonkers.

currently reading: I’m working on some cookbooks. There are new ones out this week by Nigella Lawson and Eric Ripert, and I have another French one I’d been holding back to add it to this week. But I noticed that both Ripert and Lawson talk about using their mandolins and how you should make sure that you use a kevlar glove (Nigella calls it her “Game of Thrones” glove). But I wholeheartedly agree with that. I love mine!! Anyway, these are all beautiful, fun cookbooks, and I can’t wait to talk more about them this week. I’m also still reading Leslie Jordan’s How Y’All Doing?, because it’s just so adorable. And I started reading D.J. Palmer’s new The Perfect Daughter, about an adopted daughter that has Dissociate Identity Disorder (previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder). She was found standing over the murdered body of her birth mother, and they have to figure out if it was an alter who committed the murder or the main personality Penny. Who should be held responsible for the murder? I’m only about 30% in right now, but I can’t wait to see where it goes.

up next: I was so excited this week to get not only an early copy of Chandler Baker’s The Husbands but an entire press kit about the neighborhood in the book and even a fuzzy keychain (that I had to rescue from this guy)! But we’re both really excited to read (me) and nap on (DonDon) this book and see where the fuzzy keychain comes in (besides just in DonDon’s cute mouth). Thanks, Flatiron!


french lessons

making dorky cool