snapshot 2.7

just finished: nothing. I’ve been bouncing around in a lot of books and haven’t finished anything. But I will!

currently reading: I’ve been struggling to give Before She Was Helen the attention it deserved, so I’ve been spending more time with it this last week. It’s so good! I knew it would be, it’s just—squirrel! I have that problem from time to time. But I’m over halfway through, and I can’t wait to see what happens (and what happened, as part of the story happened when Clemmie was still a young woman). This book was nominated for an Edgar award, and deservedly so! I’m also deep into The Project, a fascinating book about a woman looking to find her sister that she’d lost to a cult after a family tragedy. I want to sit and just read through the rest of the story, but its depth and nuance makes me also want to slow down and enjoy it. I’m trying to take my time reading it, but I think there will come a point where I just have to race to the end. Either way, it’s just so good!

up next: Kensington surprised me this week by sending me a copy of Hopeless Romantic, and I’m excited to dig into that one! Also, out this Tuesday is Simplicity at Home, a book of Japanese Rituals, Recipes, and Arrangements for Thoughtful Living. I’m really looking forward to diving in and finding ways to bring more simplicity, beauty, and intention into my home.


a rose by any other name

when your outsides don't match your insides