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just finished: A superfun middle grade cook And Then I Turned into a Mermaid. It was adorable! And I’m about 30 minutes away from finishing R. J. Jacobs’ Somewhere in the Dark. It’s a twisty thriller, and it’s really sucked me in. The main character lived for a year in a foster home where they locked her in a closet. For a year. She’s older now, and somewhat recovered (although how do you fully recover from something like that?), but just as she’s starting to understand the world from a mature viewpoint, she is sucked into a dangerous situation that she doesn’t completely understand. I think I have to finish this book tonight, just so it won’t haunt my dreams.

currently reading: I’m about a third of the way through Amy Poeppel’s Musical Chairs, about two musicians who are best friends and their attempt to find a third musician for their trio and to figure out how to live their best lives after a lot of changes. It’s about midlife, finding your purpose, and moving forward from mistakes of the past. It’s exactly the book need right now. I’ve also started reading The Love Scam by MaryJanice Davidson. I’m not far into it, but so far it’s lots of fun. I mean, in the first scene, the hungover dude walks out of his hotel and into the canal, causing him to realize that he’s in Venice. How could I resist a book like that?

up next: Soon it will be time for the new Ruth Ware, One by One, and I am excited!!

there is something fishy about this one

more like big secrets