snapshot 5.3

just finished: Pretty Things by Janelle Brown. I loved this book! Brown is also the author of Watch Me Disappear, which I really loved. At first, her books seem fairly typical, a mother has gone missing and her family has to figure out what happened and how to live now; a con artist goes after an old money Instagram influencer and finds that she’s not sure in the end who is conning who. But both of these novels have a depth and a texture to the writing that elevate them beyond any genre. I need to go back and read her earlier books when I get the chance.

currently reading: Lots of psychology. I am a psych nerd, so I am enjoying reading about codependency, Complex PTSD, and positive psychology. And if that’s not enough, I’m also reading Martha Stout’s new book about dealing with sociopaths (which see defines as someone without a conscience; you can learn more about that in her earlier book The Sociopath Next Door), Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door. And I’m about to start another non-fiction, Neurodharma, about the science behind why meditation works so well.

up next: After all those heavy psychology books, I’m gonna need some rom-coms and cozy mysteries. God thing there are lots of good ones around!


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empathy for bullies