seeing sensitivity as a gift

I didn’t realize it until my I was in my 20s, but I’m a sensitive person. I am more strongly affected by my environment than many of those around me. I am sensitive to the energy and feelings of others. I think deeply about things and process some thoughts slowly.

I have been told many times that the people around me find this frustrating. Sometimes I find it frustrating too. I can barely go to concerts anymore, as the noise and the lighting and the crowds all make me incredibly uncomfortable, sometimes physically ill. There is a narrow hallway at work, and whenever I encounter a co-worker there, my breath catches. I can’t always think of what I want to say immediately. Sometimes I have to think for minutes, or hours, or days about my response. And I have a very strong sense of justice.

These are qualities that are both frustrating and rewarding. I like that I am quick to stand up against unfairness. I like that I think things through deeply and prepare honest and personal answers when I’m given a chance to think something through all the way. These are gifts. But I haven’t always felt that way.

If you’re sensitive like me and need help managing in a world that seems designed for those who don’t have to deal with a central nervous system that is always on, then The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person workbook might be just what you didn’t know you were always looking for. With chapters on what it is to be a Highly Sensitive Person, everyday life and social situations, relationships, work, health and self-care, and deeper work for those who are seeking more healing from past shames, this workbook offers real-life advice for situations that sensitive people find difficult.

While this book can’t automatically change you into a less sensitive person, it is invaluable for helping you reframe your sensitivities so you can see them for the gifts they are. It also encourages you to make allowances for yourself and find ways to be more prepared for those challenging moments when you need extra protection.

Author Amanda Cassil, a clinical psychologist known for her work with women and minorities working in STEM fields, understands how difficult, painful, and shaming it can be to be different. And she wants those who identify as Highly Sensitive to know that there is help, there are tools they can use (we can use!) to feel more empowered in situations that usually find us struggling.

How do I know that the exercises in The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person will work? Because I know that they helped me feel better about my sensitivities, to change my thinking about those who try to make me feel ashamed of being different, and to feel like I have tools to help me face those times where my sensitivities might otherwise overwhelm me. And if it helped me, it might be able to help you too. Seriously, if you’re a sensitive person, give it a try. You might find the help you never knew was available.

A copy of The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person was provided by Rockridge Press through the Callisto Media Publisher’s Club, with many thanks.


designing a life with love

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