express yourself in sandwiches

There was a point several years ago where the panini press was the ideal kitchen accessory. If you’re like me, you probably have one in a cabinet somewhere, exiled there when the next shiny kitchen tool came along. Now may be the time to bring it back out and shine it up. And if you need some ideas to get you going with your panini press again, check out The Essential Panini Press Cookbook to get your creative juices flowing.

There are ideas for pretty typical pressed sandwiches, like a Cuban Panini (which is one of my favorite sandwiches), a BLT Panini, a Tuna Melt, or a Turkey, Cheddar, and Avocado Panini. But there are many creative ideas like a Mac and Cheese Panini, a Shrimp Cocktail Panini, a Buffalo Chicken Panini, or a Pepperoni Pizza Panini.

There are also ideas for using your panini press for things that aren’t sandwiches. You can roast Brussels sprouts or make some Watermelon Steaks. You can make skewers with shrimp, swordfish, or Hawaiian chicken, or you can use it to grill oysters. You can cook Pork Medallions or make a Bacon Weave. Or you can use it to make yourself a breakfast sandwich or something for dessert. Who doesn’t want a Huevos Rancheros Breakfast Queso-nini, or Egg and Avocado Toast, or a S’’mores Panini? With 100 recipes here, you can find something for everyone.

There are also tips for caring for your panini press and for building the perfect sandwich (who hasn’t had a sandwich fall apart on them because the tomato made everything too slick or the condiments all slid out? And speaking of condiments, there are recipes for homemade ones to dress up your sandwiches with Beer Mustard, Homemade Aioli, or a Basic Barbecue Sauce. There are also recipes for Coleslaws and Salads you can serve alongside the sandwiches or skewers to create a whole meal.

The Essential Panini Press Cookbook is a great addition to any kitchen with a panini press, and if you don’t have a panini press, you should think about getting one. It’s fairly inexpensive and offers cooking options in a small kitchen or for those days you don’t want to fire up the oven and stove. It’s an easy way to make a quick breakfast or lunch, and can even add something special to dinner or to dessert. All it takes is a few minutes, some good bread, a selection of tasty ingredients to put between, and a handy cookbook to educate and inspire.

Personally, I love the creativity in these recipes. I can’t wait to try the Pressed Caprese, the Pulled Pork Panini, and the Apple Cider Doughnut Panini. They sound absolutely delicious, and simple enough that anyone could pull them off.

A copy of The Essential Panini Press Cookbook was provided by Rockridge Press through the Callisto Media Publisher’s Club, with many thanks.


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