snapshot 3.8

just finished: nothing. It was one of those weeks, but worse. So much worse.

currently reading: I have no idea. Did I mention it was one of those weeks?

up next: I have no idea about this either. Last week, work exploded into a massive storm of stress. We are more behind than we have been the entire 6 years I’ve been there. Next week will be similar. So I’m taking this week off completely. I will be running some good blog posts though. There are some good books that I read a year or so ago, and they have been coming out over the past several weeks in paperback, often in advance of another book coming out soon by that author. So as I take a week to get through the stress of work, heal from the upper respiratory infection that’s been plaguing me, and try to remember what I am reading and what I want to read next, I hope you will forgive me for using reruns to remember some good books that deserve your attention.

Stay healthy, friends, not just from the coronavirus but also from the flu, colds, sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, and all the rest of the sniffles and coughs that seem to appear this time of year.

the couple who slays together . . .

a fairy tale