snapshot 11.22

just finished: I just finished the audio book of The Cul-de-Sac War by Melissa Ferguson. A rom com with a meet cute, lots of wacky pranks as the two neighbors bicker, and a good old fashioned happy ever after. Fun and charming!

currently reading: The Push, a slow-burn thriller about a group of new moms and the barbecue that ended with one party guest falling off the porch—or were they pushed? The moms started meeting together while they were pregnant, to learn more about what motherhood would be like and to support each other, so while they were all about the same stage of pregnancy, they were all from different walks of life. Now the police have to figure out if it was intentional, and if so, who did it and why?

up next: A couple more cozies. Premeditated Mortar, the latest in Kate Carlisle’s Fixer-Upper Mysteries, and Murder Between the Pages, the second in Amy Lillard’s Main Street Book Club Mysteries. And lots and lots and lots of eating. Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans! Stay safe and eat lots!

this book is scrummy

(deep) dishing on the pie