recently finished: ummm, nothing. Still in the middle of a lot of things.
currently reading: Elly Griffiths’ The Stranger Diaries. I haven’t read any of her other books yet, but I’ve heard great things. I’m actually listening to this one on audio, and the creep factor is high. I’m really enjoying it! A woman is working on a book about a writer who died many years ago, and now her friend has been murdered. This has the feel of a ghost story mixed with a mystery, and I can’t wait to see how she wraps it all up together. I’m also still reading A Nearly Normal Family, and it just keeps getting better the deeper I get into it. It’s told by 3 different narrators. First, the father; then,the daughter; last, the mother. I’m still in the middle third, and I am trying to race ahead to find out that final perspective that will pull everything together.
up next: Alexander McCall Smith’s The Second Worst Restaurant in France. I love his books, and I’m looking forward to digging into this one and letting his intelligence and peacefulness wash over me.