in everything give thanks — words

in everything give thanks

There are times when gratitude seems just too difficult to give. Life is challenging, friends and family seem distant (or too needy), some days just getting out of bed takes all your energy for a while. For those days that life feels like a meme of a drenched cat sitting defeated and deflated in a bathtub or of a poodle whose usually stylish curls has turned into an uncontrollable ball of frizz, then this is the gratitude journal for you.

Everything Sucks: A Gratitude Journal For People Who Have Been Through Some Sh*t is not your typical sentimental journal. Filled with quotes from inspirational women like Oprah, Brene Brown, Michelle Obama, actress Rashida Jones, and Eleanor Roosevelt, Everything Sucks doesn’t judge or try to fix you. It just lets you be you.

The writing pages have non-traditional prompts so you can express things that you might not otherwise say in a journal, or even think to write down: What are three horrible tasks you should stop bitching about because, honestly, you’re lucky to have them? What is your favorite humblebrag? Snakes on a Plane aside, what three movies have had the most impact in your life? When and Where do you feel most like yourself?

Author Tiffany Reese knows how it feels to go through tough times because she’s been there. As she recovered from childhood trauma, she used a gratitude journal to help her remember all the reasons to fight through her pain. That’s why she came up with a gratitude journal for those who don’t want a gratitude journal. Everything sucks is an ideal way to get someone who normally wouldn’t want to journal into a gratitude journal. It kinda makes me want to be a dark and stormy teenager again. (But not really.)

A copy of Everything Sucks was provided to me by Callisto Publishers, with many thanks.

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