snapshot 10.27

recently finished: nothing. I’ve been having trouble focusing enough to finish anything. But I need to get back in the reading groove this week. There are still lots of good books coming out this year, and so many looking so good for 2020!

currently reading: I’m still reading Is It Okay If I Cancel?, a selection of humorous essays from Hollywood writer/producer Gary Janetti. I’m reading Flour Lab to review this week, a gorgeous cookbook about baking with fresh milled grains (!) in bread, pasta, and pizza. I’m making myself hungry just thinking about it. I was also just given a copy of The Great British Baking Show’s The Big Book of Amazing Cakes (thank you so much, @clarksonpotter for the free copies, of both of these beautiful cookbooks!!), and of course I had to dig into that right away. It’s the first official American cookbook of the show, and it includes a foreword from both Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith.

up next: The Family Upstairs by Lisa Unger and The Angels’ Share by Ellen Crosby, both of which come out in early November.


out for blood

feeding the soul, one loaf at a time