snapshot 11.6 — words

snapshot 11.6

Recently finished: The Girl Before, due out next January, which was fantastic (more about that when it's closer to pub date). And that's it. 

Currently reading: Dear Mr. M by Herman Koch. The Secret Ingredient of Wishes. The French Chef in America, all of which I've put aside most of this week and last in order to focus on my work. But I'm hoping to get to the end soon, so I can share how exited I am about these books. Hopefully these will all show up in this week's blog posts. 

Up next: Generation Chef, by Karen Stabiner, which I am very excited to read. I have a bunch of amazing cookbooks to talk about. And then it's Thanksgiving, with its week of books on families. November should make for some fun reading! 

i need a vacation: France

i like cheap books!

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