snapshot 10.20 — words

snapshot 10.20

Recently finished: Pride and Prejudice, mostly audio. Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix. The Silver Linings Playbook. Finally finished Jon Taffer's Raising the Bar and Michael Neill's Supercoach, both of which I'd been reading off and on for months. Peter Mayle's Vintage Short Provence in Ten Easy Lessons.

Currently reading: The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man, early galleys thanks to Goodread's First To Read program. When Women Were Birds. Neil Patrick Harris Choose Your Own Autobiography. Finishing the audio version of Attached, which I started listening to ages ago (I've been trying to clean some things up lately). 

Up next: Meg Wolitzer's The Position. Catification. The Dogs of Riga. Michael Ruhlman's Ratio. Money: A Love Story. And probably other shiny things. 

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