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I feel like last week’s cat week (a week of cat-themed books) went well. They don’t always. But this week, it’s just books, and wow are they crazy!

currently reading: I’m still working on But How Are You, Really? Which is a good book, and is bringing back a lot of college and homecoming vibes, which is why I’m reading it so slowly. I’m also still working on Heads Will Roll, which is such a perfect spooky season book!

But mostly this weekend, I got completely sucked into the new Janice Hallett because it is just so good. In this one, a group of art students take a master’s level class on learning to integrate the creativity of art with the business of being a working artist. To that end, they will be creating a large installation to help a tech company launch their new cloud services. But they all have secrets, and when they start coming out, this story takes a potentially deadly turn. If you’re a fan of Hallett, you’ll know she doesn’t write a linear story. She tells a story through direct messages and texts, and in this case, the essays the students are required to write as they go through the class and the notes from the professor who graded their individual projects throughout the year as well as her notes on how the final group project went. There are so many layers to this story, so many secrets to be revealed, and puzzle pieces to put together to figure out what happened, much less who was responsible for it all. I have spent all weekend grabbing my phone for just a few more minutes of it, and now that I have less than an hour left, I know I’ll be finishing to tonight. The Examiner is out Tuesday and not to be missed if you you like a god puzzle. This one is exceptional!

Fans of Top Chef may recognize the name Kelsey Barnard Clark, the winner of the season they were in Kentucky. She has a cookbook out on September 17 that is all about hospitality. It’s called Southern Get-Togethers, and it’s everything you need to know to create a last-minute dinner for friends, a perfect weekend brunch, or a formal dinner party for a big celebration. Her focus is not so much on the details but on setting you up for success and reminding you to enjoy yourself at the party. If you’re relaxed and engaged, your guests will be too.

up next: I got this gem from Simon and Schuster, and I can’t wait to dive in! It’s out September 17.