snapshot 4.7 — words
snapshot 4.7

snapshot 4.7

currently reading: Shaken Not Purred, a cocktail cookbook that’s all about the cats. Cat themed drinks, cat trivia, and lots of adorable touches for cat lovers throughout. DonDon was very interested in it, until he found out that the cocktails weren’t actually for cats, and then he went back to his catnip treats. But I a loving it, and I can’t wait to tell you more about it tomorrow.

I’m also reading An Enchanting Case of Spirits, a lighthearted murder mystery about a woman who goes out with friends to celebrate her 40th birthday. They go to a tarot reader, and the next morning Alyssa discovers she can see ghosts. But when the ghosts start telling her secrets about her husband’s death (or was it a murder?), Alyssa finds her whole life being turned upside down.

up next: a favorite chef of mine, Edward Lee of Louisville, KY, has a new cookbook out with recipes centered around the bourbons he loves. I can’t wait to see what he does.

And last year, I read a kid’s book called It’s the End of the World and I’m in My Bathing Suit. It’s about a kid who planned out his laundry all summer so that everything would be dirty except for his bathing suit on the day of the big picnic. But his parents find out and make him stay home from the picnic and do his laundry. But mid-wash the power goes out. And then he finds out that the power is out throughout the city. And then he finds out that something happened at the picnic, where all the adults are. So he and a handful of friends have to go find out. But that’s where it stopped. I had no idea what happened, and I have been waiting all year to find out. Last week, it was finally released. Running in Flip-Flops From the End of the World is here, and I can’t wait to see what happens!

it's meow o'clock somewhere

it's meow o'clock somewhere

leading lady

leading lady

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