snapshot 2.11 — words
snapshot 2.11

snapshot 2.11

It’s Super Bowl Sunday, so for some that means less reading and for others it means more. With the Chiefs playing, we’ll be glued to the game, but I am hoping to get a little more reading done tonight too. Maybe during halftime?

Anyway, go Chiefs!

just finished: You Are Not Stuck, a self-help book to help guide readers to soul-guided choices. I hope to post my review of that one Friday, but I’m not entirely sure how this week will go. My mother is moving on Friday, so it may get a little chaotic this week.

currently reading: I’m still reading Janice Hallett’s The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels. Y’all, it’s bonkers. I have no idea what’s going on. I thought it would be a little crazy because it’s about a cult that ended badly, but it’s gone so far beyond that. All the details of the cult and the members are shifting. No one is who they seem. Is there something supernatural going on? Is it all a big cover-up? I honestly don’t know. Every time I start to think I’ve got an idea of the direction this book is going, something else comes up. There’s a new detail that doesn’t seem to fit. But I am determined to find out! This book is crazy! A little dark, a little fun, and completely clever.

up next: Ten Speed Press was generous enough to send me a copy of Vegan Mob, a vegan barbecue cookbook that is coming out February 27. It’s from a popular chef in Los Angeles. Now, here is Kansas City, we like to have meats to barbecue, but I am looking forward to hearing what he has to say and seeing what these recipes look like. I love to learn new things!

how far will an angel go to protect their charge?

how far will an angel go to protect their charge?

the awkward, lovely, crazy truth of falling in love

the awkward, lovely, crazy truth of falling in love

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