the tay that binds us — words
the tay that binds us

the tay that binds us

Whether you like Taylor Swift or not, you know who she is. You can’t be unaware of her. She is everywhere. Her music rings out about her breakups and her sadness and her innate power as a woman, and she draws people to her. Because while not all of us can put words and music together the way she can, we can all feel those words. We understand what she’s singing about, because we’ve all had out hearts break. We’ve all had to grieve a loss. We all long to connect with our power. And we all reach for the words to express ourselves in those moments.

When Kristie Frederick Daugherty, poet and professor, fan of Taylor Swift, saw the crowd’s reaction to the Eras tour, she was inspired. She could see that the thousands of people in the audience all sang and danced and came together as Swift sang her heart out about the chapters of her life, she got an idea. What if she could bring poets together in the same way, all inspired by Taylor Swift songs, translating them into their own art, for all to read? That is how Invisible Strings was started.

Daugherty brought together 113 poets, Pulitzer Prize winners, award winners, bestsellers, and the U.S. Poet Laureate, and asked them to share their inspired poems. Each poet worked from a different Swift song to interpret, weaving clues to its origin just like Swift herself is known for slipping Easter eggs into her works. The poets talk of being loved and being broken, about the magical beauty of the heavens and the daily grace of everyday rituals, just like Swift. And like Swift’s songs, they tear the audience apart and glue it back together with hope, love, and connection.

I will admit that I don’t read a lot of poetry these days. I was an English major way back when I was in college, and I was asked over and over to interpret poems just the way the professor wanted, no matter what I really thought about the work. I still let that color my reading. But I’m certainly not against throwing on some Taylor Swift and, say, shaking it off. Invisible Strings was not on my radar, but a publicist reached out and offered me a copy, and I was intrigued. And after reading just a quarter of it, I was reminded of the power of poetry. I was moved. I was stunned by the beauty of the language. I was happy to catch some of the Easter eggs. And a couple of times I was hit by a truth like an arrow to the heart.

Invisible Strings is a celebration of the work of Taylor Swift. It’s a celebration of modern American poetry. Thoughtful Swifties will be engaged with these poems, reading and rereading, trying to find all the hidden messages. But you don’t have to be a fan of Swift to read this. Each of these poems stand on their own as a testament to modern life and relationships. Having the Swift connections may help make this a richer experience, but you don’t lose out with these poems by not knowing her songs. You only lose out if you don’t read them.

Egalleys for Invisible Strings were provided by Ballantine Books through NetGalley, with many thanks.

haleigh's heart strings

haleigh's heart strings

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snapshot 12.8

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