snapshot 10.27 — words
snapshot 10.27

snapshot 10.27

So, there is something important I need to talk about. This week, after two long years, it’s finally time for the new Louise Penny book, The Grey Wolf. My beloved St. Martin’s played this one close to the vest, not nearly enough early copies given out, so I am having to wait until Tuesday, release day, to dive in. And, yes, I have pre-ordered both the Kindle and Audible versions, so I will be ready.

currently reading: I am still reading (but almost done) with Hate Follow. The trial date is getting closer, and I can’t wait to see what’s happening. If you’re not familiar with the book, an influencer mother is getting sued by her teenaged daughter is suing her, wanting her to stop posting photos of her and her siblings all over the internet. It’s a lot of fun.

up next: watch for cozies with unusual investigating teams. In this week’s A New Lease on Death, a ghost teams up with her (alive) roommate to solve a murder, and next week, Pony Confidential, has a pony trying to prove that his favorite person didn’t commit murder.

over the influence

over the influence

a holiday house party, homicide, and hearty deep dish pizza

a holiday house party, homicide, and hearty deep dish pizza

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