snapshot 9.4 — words

snapshot 9.4

currently reading: Nick Spalding’s Third Wheel, which came out last week. His books are so readable, and they’re usually pretty funny. it’s perfect for a lazy holiday weekend. This one is about two guys who have a business making review videos for experiences, and one of them decides that they need to add a woman to the videos to expand their audience. Of course, they both fall for her, and chaos ensues. It may be a little predictable at times (although the Nerf dart was a nice surprise), but it’s still lots of fun. I’m also reading The Mean$, which comes out Tuesday, about a mother who is wanting a house on the beach in The Hamptons. It’s a look at family and money and wanting things that maybe you can’t quite afford.

up next: the audio version of The Rising Tide, the new Vera Stanhope book by Anne Cleeves, which comes out Tuesday. But soon I’m hoping to make time for this one, book 4 in Krista Davis’s Pen & Ink mystery series, which I won in a Goodreads giveaway. It came out last Tuesday but didn’t show up here until Friday. When I saw the first one of these come out, I had some doubts about what looked like a coloring book cozy mystery. But this is book 4, so she must have figured out how to make them work. I can’t wait to read it to see how she does it!

a batmobile, a catwalk, and a friendship hanging by a rope

sometimes we live, sometimes we die

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