eighteen chapters of delight — words

eighteen chapters of delight

Lanie Bloom is in love. She was in college when she first came across the novels of Noa Calloway. She wasn’t one to pick up a romance novel, but her roommate convinced her to give the book a try. It ended up changing her life.

Now, Lanie is an editor at Peony Press, the publisher of Noa Calloway’s books. It’s her boss, editorial director Alix who usually works with the bestselling author, but Alix is out on maternity leave, and they are about to launch her latest novel, Two Hundred and Sixty-Six Vows. While Laniie helps put out the fires at the big launch event their publicity department has put together, she tries not to think about how her new manuscript is already four months late. And she’s never late.

But when is successful, with Lanie’s speech a triumph, she gets called into Sue’s office. Sue is the president and publisher of Peony Press, and she doesn’t act spontaneously. Lanie is worried that she’s about to be fired because of the overdue manuscript, but that’s not what Sue wants to tell her. Alix has decided she wants to stay home with her new baby, and Sue is willing to offer Lanie the job of editorial director. With one caveat. Lanie gets that new Noa Calloway manuscript turned in and edited by her deadline. Otherwise, Lanie is fired.

So, no pressure.

Lanie agrees, because what choice does she have? And then she gets to work. She has never met Noa in person. She notoriously doesn’t go to her own launches or does in-person interviews or shows up at the publishing house to shake hands with those who help her get the books ready for shelves. Lanie knows Noa’s assistant Terry, known as “The Terrier,” who protects her fiercely. And she does have an email relationship with the author. Shortly after starting at Peony, she emailed the author to tell her how much she enjoys her books, and the two have been writing back and forth and even playing online chess ever since.

But things are different now. Lanie needs the latest book, and she just knows in her gut that Noa is blocked. Lanie doesn’t know why, but her editor’s instincts tells her that Noa needs help. And she comes up with a plan to help her. And when Noa wants to meet in person, Lanie is all in. But when she does, she finds out the secret Noa has been keeping, the reason she never comes face to face with any of her readers, and Lanie is stunned. It makes her question everything she thought she knew about life, about relationships, about love, and even about her impending marriage to her fiancé Ryan. But she has to figure out what she truly believes about love to figure out what she wants, what Noa needs, and how to make the new book a success.

Author Lauren Kate has written many bestselling YA romance novels, but By Any Other Name is her first adult romance novel. And it is worth the wait! With charming characters and lots of interesting situations, this novel brings a sweetness and an effortlessness to love without getting maudlin or glib.

Whether these characters are taking lessons on motorcycle riding, irritating people on a train with smelly food, breaking into a house, or just hanging out with Javier Bardem (he’s a rabbit), these scenes are just fun to read. Add in Lanie’s scene-stealing grandmother, and the book is a triumph. I absolutely loved this book. It’s the one I reached for when I was feeling down or frustrated, and my only complaint is that is was over too soon. I loved it all, and I recommend it anyone who loves romance novels, or for anyone who just needs a sweet pick-me-up during a rough week.

Egalleys for By Any Other Name were provided by G.P. Putnam’s Sons through NetGalley, with many thanks.

winning at life and love

shedding the past

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