snapshot 6.13 — words

snapshot 6.13

just finished: Last week I finished The Photographer to write about on Thursday, but it was a rough day and I had no words left at the end. So it will be Monday’s write-up. It is a crazy domestic thriller, and it was bonkers. Lots of delicious creepiness!

currently reading: I’m reading Ale Michaelides’ The Maidens, and it’s just as good as I had hoped it would be. Set in Cambridge, it’s about the murder of beautiful young Cambridge students, women who were close to one of their professors. Some might say too close. The novel is filled with references to Greek tragedies, adding an ominous tone that is making me so happy. I can’t wait to get to the end, to see how it all comes together. It’s fantastic! I loved his debut The Silent Patient, and I am enjoying this one even more. So recommended!

up next: Well, I scored an early copy of The Rehearsals from Little Brown and their Goodreads giveaway, and that one comes out in July. But before that, G.P. Putnam’s was kind enough to say yes to my request for Suburban Dicks, a murder mystery by the cocreator of Deadpool. I am so excited to read this one! But I will say this—the next few weeks are going to be crazy busy at work, so I will do the best I can to bring you fresh words each evening, but I am not promising. Lol. But in July? I will be reading and writing about all the things I can!


developing a family

austen, alibis, extortion, and attraction

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