dog days of new york city — words

dog days of new york city

Martha Teichner live in New York. She is a correspondent for CBS News, working on Sunday Morning. She loves Bull Terriers (BTs). And she has an exceptionally big heart.

Martha had wanted a dog all her life, but her job as news correspondent involved lots of travel, often to countries at war, and having a dog just wasn’t practical. But once she get a little older, and her life got a little more settled, she finally found herself dreaming of finding a dog. She was living in London at the time and would look through the want ads, trying to decide what kind of dog to get.

And then she saw it: the ad for Bull Terrier puppies. The first one she picked out was beautiful, a perfect specimen of the breed. And it was spoken for. So she looked at the puppies again and saw one who had spirit, who was a little mischievous. That was the puppy for her.

That was the first of several Bull Terriers in her life.

After living for many years in New York, Martha and BT Minnie were getting by all right. They had recently lost the third in their family, BT Goose, who had lived a good life. They were sad but trying to move forward. Then, in those magical times in life when all the dominoes all seem to fall into a magical pattern, Martha found herself being asked to consider taking in another Bull Terrier. Harry was not young, and he had more than his share of medical issues, but his owner Carol was dying of cancer, and she needed to be sure he would be taken care of.

Martha wasn’t sure about taking on another dog, especially one with issues, but she did agree to meet with Carol. Her life was never the same.

Carol Fertig was an artist, a designer, a decorator, and a true shining star. She collected objects of beauty and art, and she collected friends who were devoted to her effervescent spirit. She too was a lover of BTs, and she wanted to make sure that Harry would find a happy, loving home for when she could no longer take care of him. Enter Martha, and Minnie. When the two women and the two dogs finally got to meet, the chemistry was real. Harry fell in love with Minnie instantly, and Martha fell for Carol and Harry.

As the women got to know each other better, arranging for play dates and sleepovers for the dogs, they developed a warm friendship, the kind of friendship that would have lasted for decades if given the chance. Harry and Minnie, meanwhile, loved their time together, curling up for naps and playing together. It was as if it were all meant to be.

When Harry Met Minnie is the love story of two Bull Terriers who immediately become best of friends. It is heart-warming and uplifting, a love letter to every pet and their owner, a reminder of how much joy and love and fun they add to our lives.

But as much as it’s an uplifting love story, it’s also a painful reminder that life is fragile and can be taken away too quickly. The heartbreak of Carol’s death is very real, even for those of us who only got to know her through the stories on these pages. She was clearly a woman with a beautiful soul and a magical life. She was smart and stylish and gifted, and I’m sorry I didn’t get to know her sooner. But I am grateful for Martha and the memories she shared with us, by letting Carol and Harry into her heart and sharing those moments with us all.

When Harry Met Minnie is a beautiful book, from beginning to end. But it will break your heart over and over. I recommend you read it, but do it with your pets close by to get lots of hugs and snuggles. You will need them.

Egalleys for When Harry Met Minnie were provided by Celadon Books through NetGalley, with many thanks.

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nobody does dead like kenda

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