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burning bridges

Morris and Wood is on fire. The building was created to be noticed, so when it goes up in flames, it’s pretty obvious. Three women stand and watch.

Janey is married to Harry Wood, the CEO of Morris and Wood. They moved to Lymington over 5 years ago. Before, when they were in London, Janey had been a defense attorney. She loved her job, but that last case almost destroyed her. Now, being a full-time mother to their 2 daughters is enough for her. Or it was, before she thought Harry was having an affair with one of the women at the advertising agency.

Mia Anderson was hired as a temporary employee, to cover for Laura while she was on maternity leave. But she didn’t tell Laura why she really wanted the job, and that she’d had no intention of giving the job up in 6 months. Instead, she’d told Laura just what she’d wanted to hear to get the job, and Mia could take it from there, her agenda clearly set in her mind.

Laura is one of Harry’s best ad executives, but he was worried when she announced that she was pregnant. She found Mia to take over while she was out, and she loved those 6 months with her husband Nate and her new son. Now she’s back in the office, ready to take her accounts back and get her creative juices flowing again, but Mia seems to have dug her heels in. Laura struggles with the guilt of being away from her baby along with the anger of having her job stolen out from under her.

Each woman standing there on the quay has a reason to be angry with Harry. Each woman has a reason to burn everything to ground. But which woman struck the match?

Three Perfect Liars is a taut thriller that brings the lives of these women together in ways they never imagined. Author Heidi Perks has created a page-turner fraught with secrets and lies that you have to keep reading to untangle. Told from alternating perspectives and sprinkled throughout with police interviews, Three Perfect Liars will keep you guessing until the end.

I really enjoyed Three Perfect Liars. It was a quick read, well written and very enjoyable. I had a great time with these characters, and truth be told, I was a little sad to have to let them go. I definitely recommend this one to thriller lovers!

Egalleys for Three Perfect Liars were provided by Gallery Books through NetGalley, with many thanks.