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just finished: Losing You by Nicci French. A teenaged girl goes missing, and her mother tears up the small island where they live in order to try to find her. It was so gripping! I had a hard time putting it down. I also finally finished Darling Rose Gold. What a crazy ride that one is! More about both of these this week.

currently reading: Perfectly Famous by Emily Liebert. It’s about a journalist with a teenaged daughter chasing down a story about a popular crime author whose teenaged daughter was snatched and murdered. The writing in this one is fantastic. It’s smooth and fascinating, and I am loving it. I can’t wait to see what happens! I also just started The Half-Sister by Sandie Jones, who also wrote The Other Woman and The First Mistake. It comes out next Tuesday.

up next: I don’t know. It’s summer. Work is insane right now. I’m still not thinking too far ahead.