snapshot 1.26 — words

snapshot 1.26

just finished: I finished a wonderfully clever kids book (middle schoolers) about a girl whose feelings become visible when they get too intense. My So-Called Superpowers: All the Feels is such a fun book that now I have to go back and read the two that came before. I also listened to The Broken Girls by Simone St. James, whose next book (The Sun Down Motel) comes out next month. I also finished Grown Up Pose, a chick novel about a woman taking time to figure out who she is at 30. It’s good. I’ll talk more about it closer to its release date in March.

currently reading: I am almost done with Katrine Enberg’s The Tenant, a Danish police thriller. Wow, what a crazy ride! I also started Uncanny Valley, a memoir about a woman working in a tech startup. Her writing is really beautiful, and I’ve heard so many wonderful things about this book, I can’t wait to spend more time with it! And I’m still plugging away at The Janes. I adore Alice Vega, the lead investigator, so getting to hang out with her makes it easier to deal with the difficult issues of child (teenage girls) sex trafficking.

up next: Christina McDonald’s Behind Every Lie, her follow-up to The Night Olivia Fell. Can’t wait!

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