snapshot 1.19 — words

snapshot 1.19

just finished: How To Speak Boy, a teenaged rom com about speech and debate co-captains whose competitive spirits may be masking deeper feelings. It was terrific! And last week I listened to Anthony Horowitz’s The Sentence is Death, his follow-up to The Word Is Murder. I love these books where Horowitz himself is the Dr. Watson to the Holmesian PI Daniel Hawthorne, whom he finds most irritating. I love the voice of the narrator through these books, and they are read to perfection by Rory Kinnear.

currently reading: Still reading The Tenant, about a horrific crime that mirrors the manuscript of a writer in Copenhagen. The crime is dark, but the police investigating it are sweetly human and humanizing. It’s an interesting contrast, and I’m enjoying it a lot. I’m also reading a crochet mystery, Hooks Can Be Deceiving, and I just started Grown-Up Pose, which comes out next month.

up next: Thriller The Look-Alike and new C.J. Tudor, The Other People. Things are going to get creepy!

hijinks with hawthorne (volume 2)

a novel way to look at mental illness

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