snapshot 9.29 — words

snapshot 9.29

recently finished: Been There, Married That. It was amazingly funny! Watch for it in stores next February! (Don’t worry, I’ll remind you).

currently reading: Susan Isaacs has a new novel coming out Tuesday, Takes One To Know One. I am a little over halfway through it, and I am loving it. An ex-FBI agent is now freelancer reading Arabic novels for literary agents (with a fed job thrown in every now and then as well). She retired to get married and care for her adopted stepdaughter. But when she notices that an acquaintance is so mild mannered to make it seem like an affectation, she can’t help but start to investigate. I see several possibilities for where this story could go. I can’t wait to see which one she chose! I’m also reading some cookbooks that are coming out soon, the new Tartine and Milk Street’s New Rules.

up next: New Bill Bryson, The Body, all about, well, the body and how it works. Should be fascinating!

thoughtful ways to deal with panic

sweet small-batch baking

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