snapshot 8.25 — words

snapshot 8.25

recently finished: nothing. Last week’s work week exploded into DRAMA, so I am behind on the reading. I have several good summer reads that I want to get to next month, so I will just keep plugging away as best I can, until I’ve read all the books.

currently reading: I’m knee-deep in Louise Penny’s latest, A Better Man, which comes out Tuesday. It takes place during an unprecedented flood racing through Quebec and the nearby villages (yes, Three Pines is in danger!), and the tension of that is so powerful against the story of the missing woman, pregnant, who supposedly left her abusive husband but never showed up at her father’s house. I’m also still reading The Murder List, and I’m working on a novel called Campusland, a satire of life at an Ivy League college. It’s a lot of fun. In my car, as I head to work and back home, I’m listening to Craig Ferguson’s latest, a memoir called Riding the Elephant. It’s a lovely distraction from all the other things.

up next: Wonton Terror, the next in Vivien Chien’s Noodle Shop Mystery series.

low carb doesn't have to be cauliflower

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