snapshot 8.11 — words

snapshot 8.11

recently finished: nothing, just making my way through several things. But they’re all good!

currently reading: I’m still working on the audio books of The Bride Test, which is lovely, and Dumped, Actually, which is hilarious. I’m planning on saying more about them later in the week. But for tomorrow, I’ll be talking about Molly by Colin Butcher. It won’t be released until October, but it’s definitely one to watch for. It’s a heart-warming book about a dog who helps find and rescue cats who have wandered from home. Butcher is Molly’s handler and owner, and the two of them make a fantastic team. I can’t wait to share more about this book! I’m also reading A History of Art in 21 Cats, which is an endearing book of famous art shown and described by using cats. It’s purr-fectly adorable!

up next: I don’t know. To be honest, the next few weeks at work will be insane, and I’m not sure how much reading I’ll be able to get done. But things should calm back down in September, and I’ll be working on catching things up then. But you can keep coming back here to find out what I’m reading and talking about, or you can follow my facebook page, and see when new posts are going up here.

avoiding cat-astrophe with an ace detective

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